reach the golf target group with our marketing tools
for example from Spain Andalucia region …
generating information is good,
but distributing information is key
in everything we do
Nineteen Golf is the 19 hours after the round of golf and
before the next. We report on our experiences and produce
the necessary footage (photos…) ourselves.
Many satisfied customers prove our excellent work.
However, a good job is worth nothing if no one reads it. We
also take care of this seeding it with our partner EBM and
the Nineteen Golf platform.
We have the largest reach of the independent golf media in
Switzerland and in almost all of Europe.
Golf Clubs, Hotels, Tourism organizations…
Our landing page is designed so that you can integrate and
communicate with partners at any time.
You want to show all golf clubs of a region or only a selection?
No problem
You have hotels you would like to communicate?
We make it happen
Your region has more to offer than golf?
Let’s cover it with journalistic articles
For example:
more than 27,000 newsletter recipients
Every month we send topic-specific newsletters to our readers.
You would like to be published in our newsletter?
No problem, we write about places we
have personally experienced
Is it possible to book banners in the newsletters?
Yes, the fees for this are only 1.500 CHF/€ (PNG, JPEG)
For example:
We reach 95% of all golfers in Switzerland with direct response
More than 48,000 golf households with nearly 100.000 golfers.
Wir streben nach informativen und schön zu lesenden Texten. Daher haben wir uns entschieden, auf das explizite Gendern in unseren Texten zu verzichten. Dies soll keinesfalls unsere Haltung gegenüber Diversität und Inklusion schmälern. Ganz im Gegenteil: Wir erkennen und schätzen die Vielfalt der Menschen. Jeder unabhängig von Geschlecht oder Orientierung, ist bei uns willkommen und wird wertgeschätzt. Wir glauben fest daran, dass der respektvolle Umgang mit allen Menschen den Kern unserer Philosophie und unseres Handelns bildet.
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